C25000 O&S Manual
Section 1: Machine layout and Operator Controls
It is essential before you start operating the Combilift to be familiar with the
main components and controls of the machine, their function and where they
are located. Figure 1.1 below indicates all of the major components of the
Combilift and figure 1.2 on the following page indicates all of the operator
1.1: Machine Overview and Components
Figure 1.1: Machine Components Layout
1.2: Operator Controls & Display Layout
Component List
1. Forks
2. Front Swivels
3. Platforms
4. Hydraulic Tank
5. Mast
6. Flashing Beacon
7. Operator Cabin
8. Diesel Tank
9. Work Lights
10. Bonnet
11. Rear Swivel/Arm
12. Engine Access Panel