en03c381.fm, 23.04.2009
P1934E/EN 2009-04
Advanced Application Builder
The Advanced Application Builder allows the user to display all of the Application configurations
at once, the I/O assignment for inputs and outputs, the configuration of a field bus interface, the
configuration of fastening sequences (step counter) and changes in system settings that define
monitoring of execution.
RUN Screen
The Run Screen button takes the user directly to the display for Torque, Angle, and Status Indica-
tor Labels. The Oscilloscope function used for diagnosing torque traces is also located in the
Run Screen.
The Communication Settings option allows the user to configure all communication for the tool,
the printer and serial data transmission. The corresponding communication settings for protocol,
port, baud rate, etc. can be defined at this screen.
Tool Setup
The Tool Setup screen displays the data in tool memory. You can edit this data or select settings
from the Tool Library.
Chronological History and associated statistics are viewable from this screen. Data can be
erased and printed as well.
The System Diagnostics contains screens to determine if the system is functioning properly.
There are diagnostics screens available for I/O, Tool Memory and serial communications.
Utilities contains functions for upgrading or changing the system software. From the Utilities
screen, you can update the TMEB application software from a diskette or install a new Firmware
version in the tool.
From the Administration screen, the user can load, save and configure system information.
Administration functions include loading the system configuration or saving it to a diskette, set-
ting the date and time, setting password protection, printing the system configuration and select-
ing the language for the application software (English, German).