Configuring Device Security
Defining Access Methods
Cisco Small Business SFE/SGE Managed Switches Administration Guide
Add Profile Rule Page
Add Profile Rule Page
contains the following fields:
Supported IP Format — Indicates the supported IP version. The possible
values are:
— Indicates the device supports IPv6.
— Indicates the device supports IPv4.
IPv6 Address type
— Displays the IPv6 Type. The possible field values are:
Link Local
— Indicates the IPv6 address is link-local, that uniquely
identifies hosts on a single network link. A Link-local address has a prefix
of ‘FE80’. The link-local addresses are not routable and can be used for
communication on the same network only.
Global Unicast
— Indicates the IPv6 address is a global Unicast IPV6
type which is visible and reachable from different subnets.
Link Local Interface — Displays the VLAN ID on which IPv6 is configured.
Access Profile Name — Defines the access profile name. The access profile
name can contain up to 32 characters.