Cisco Interactive Experience Client 4600 Series User Guide
Appendix F Video Conferencing Using the Session Initiation Protocol Client
SipPhone Widget
Table F-1
sipphone Variables
start(in string username, in string
password, in string domain, in string
This method call is to be used to set the SIP
credentials that are needed to get registered with
the SIP Registrar (or Call Manager). The needed
credentials are Username, Password, Domain (IP
Address or Domain Name of the SIP Registrar)
and the transport to be used (UDP or TCP).
call(in string sipUri)
This method should be used only after the start(...)
method is called. This method initiates the call to
the sipUri (called party).
This method, when called, disconnects the
existing call.
sendDtmf(in string dtmfkey)
This method sends DTMF tones to the SIP proxy.
Valid DTMF keys are 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0,
*, and #.
setidleImage(in string imgUrl, in bool
This method can be used to display an image, like
logo or some graphic when the SIP widget is
registered and not in a call. This method provides
a mechanism for the widget to display an image
when it is not in a call. The parameters are
imgUrl, the URL for the image to be displayed,
and stretchFlag, which indicates whether to auto
resize or not the image to the given frame.
changeidleImage(in string imgUrl, in string
This method is similar in functionality to
setidleImage. You could use this method to
change the appearance of the widget like coding it
in Javascript to change the idleimage to create the
sense of screen saver for the widget.
This method returns the currently configured
webcam that is being used by the SipPhone
widget. The value returned would be in the UNIX
format similar to “/dev/video0”.
Use this method to let the SipPhone widget know
which webcam to use to place the call. You need
to call this API with UNIX format identifier for
camera, such as “/dev/video0” or “/dev/video1”.
Call this API before the start() method in
the Javascript.
Use this method to initiate taking a still image
when the video call is in progress. This is useful
if you would like to take a snapshot of the
participant and save it for future reference.
Call this routine only when there is an
active video call.