CVM-BDM supply network analyzer
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The CVM-BDM does not require any special maintenance. No adjustment,
maintenance or repairing action should be done over the instrument open and
powered and, should those actions are essential, high-qualified operators must
perform them.
Before any adjustment, replacement, maintenance or repairing operation is
carried out, the instrument must be disconnected from any power supply source.
When any protection failure is suspected to exist, the instrument must be
immediately put out of service. The instrument’s design allow a quick replacement in
case of any failure.
For any inquiry about the instrument performance or whether any failure
happens, contact to CIRCUTOR’s technical service.
CIRCUTOR S.A. - After-sales Service
Vial Sant Jordi, s/n
08232 - Viladecavalls - SPAIN
Tel - + 34 -93 - 745 29 00
Fax - + 34 -93 - 745 29 14
e-mail: [email protected]