TVDR4 – 9 – 16H
Select All Blocks
— Activates all blocks to detect motion.
Clear All Blocks
— Deactivates all blocks so that they will not detect motion.
Reverse All Blocks
— Activates inactive blocks and deactivates active blocks.
Exit Zone Setup
— Asks you to confirm changes and then returns to the previous screen.
Alarm Out Setup Screen
Alarm Out
setup screen allows you to establish a schedule for each alarm output from the
Figure 36 — Alarm Out setup screen.
Each alarm output can be given its own title by highlighting the box under the
heading and
pressing the button. A virtual keyboard appears allowing you to enter the title.
Highlighting the
field and pressing the button opens a schedule screen. You can
schedule alarm output in 30-minute increments from 0:00 to 24:00.