SVX8016 IP PBX System User Guide
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Park Extension:
Define function key used by the call park functionality.
Park Position:
Define the range of extensions used to park calls. Only numeric allowed here.
Park Time:
Define for how long that a call can be parked in the system.
Pickup Extension:
Define the function key used to pickup the call in the same pickup group.
Digit Timeout(s):
Define the waiting time, in second, between digits when transfer calls.
Save all the changes.
Discard all changes.
Submit the changes to the system to take effect.
Office Hour Settings
Click “General” menu, and “office hour settings” submenu, the “office hour settings” page will appear.
Office hour setting effects in the trunk incoming call control.
Opening Days:
Tick the box in front the day to count that day as an office day.
Opening Hours:
Set the office hour of the office day.