5. Menus
5.2 Window menu
Set the maximum display level of the window. The range is -30dBuV~110dBuV, and the default value is
set to 76.99dBuV.
[Lowest Level]
Set the minimum display level of the window. The range is -230dBuV~100dBuV, and the default value is
set to -23.01dBuV.
[Max Hold Display]
Sets the maximum hold display switch, which is turned off by default.
[Max Hold Continuous Mode]
Set the maximum hold continuous mode which is valid when the maximum hold display status is on. It
includes wireless and manual states, and the unlimited mode is set by default.
[Maximum Hold Duration]
Set the maximum hold duration which is valid when the maximum hold mode is set in manual mode. The
range is 500ms~60s, and the default value is set to 2s.
[Min Hold Display]
Set the minimum hold display switch, which is off by default.
[Min Hold Continuous Mode]
Set the minimum hold duration mode which is valid when the minimum hold display is on, including
unlimited and manual two modes, the default selection is set in unlimited mode.
[Minimum Hold Duration]
Set the minimum hold duration which valid when the minimum hold mode is manual. Range: 500ms~60s,
the default value is set to 2s.
Set whether the grid of the spectrum window is displayed or not, it is displayed when it is on and the
display goes off when it is off. It is turned on by default.
[Demodulation Bandwidth Histogram]
Set whether the demodulation bandwidth histogram in the Spectrum window is displayed or not, when it
is on, or not when it is off, the default is on.
[Squelch Line]
Set whether the squelch line in the spectrum window is displayed or not, it will display when it is on, the
default state is off.
3) Window selection
Select the property page in the window under the IF Panorama window the same as the window under
the Level Field Strength window. IF waterfall window
The parameter setting dialog corresponding to the IF waterfall window contains three property pages for
measurement, display, and window selection.
1) Measurement
The measurement property page corresponding to the IF Waterfall window is the same as the
measurement property page under the IF Panorama window.
2) Display
The display property pages under the IF Waterfall window are shown in Fig. 5.42.