34. Windows
With CAW, CAX, and CAY series balances, data can be directly transferred
to a PC enabling the displayed values to appear in the application software
of Windows* such as LOTUS 1-2-3 and MS-Excel just as if they were
entered from the keyboard.
Carefully follow the procedure below.
(1) Turn ON the balance and set the balance communication parameter
intFACE - iF:win.
(2) Press and hold the POWER/BRK key to escape from menu
(3) Turn OFF the power supplies to the PC and the balance.
(4) Connect the PC and the balance with the RS-232C cable.
(5) Turn ON the PC only and activate Windows*.
(6) Select "Start"
"Control Panel"
(7) Confirm that there are no check marks next to any items on any of
the tabs including "General."
(8) Place a check mark on "Support serial key devices" in the "General"
tab. This will be the only checked item in “Accessibility Options”.
(9) Open "Setting."
(10) Select a serial port applicable to the RS-232C port of your PC. One
of COM 1 to 4.
(11) Select 300 for "baud rate."
(12) Select "OK."
(13) Select "Update."
(14) Select "Start"
"Shut Down"
"Restart the computer."
(15) After Windows* is fully activated, plug the AC adapter into the
balance power outlet and turn ON the balance.
This completes the setting. It is not necessary to repeat the above settings
each time the balance is used.
Read the final section of this manual before making
these settings in Windows