Wiring inputs and outputs
©2022 Carrier.
Installation and Start-up Guide
All rights reserved.
Evacuation is usually the result of a fire-life safety input at the air source
being active. The terminal fully closes its primary air damper and disables
its terminal fan, if equipped.
All terminals treat VENT mode the same as the COOL mode. For VVT
terminals, VENT modes allows for an increase in airflow. VVT terminals use
the greater of the configured Vent Damper Position or the Minimum Cooling
Damper Position as the minimum during the VENT mode.
See the air source’s installation manual for more specific operation.
Local air source modes
If the zone controller is stand-alone, or if linkage communication fails, the zone
controller assumes that the fan is always on and monitors its SAT sensor to determine if the primary air source is
providing heating, cooling, or recirculating air in a fan-only or ventilation mode.
For Series or Parallel Fan controllers when the zone terminal fan is off or for
single duct controllers: The zone’s local heat has not operated for at least 5
minutes, and the SAT is more than 5 °F (2.7 °C) warmer than the space
temperature. If the terminal fan is on, the SAT must be at least 8 °F
(4.4 °C) more than the space temperature.
In all cases, Heat mode is maintained until the SAT drops 2 °F (1.1 °C)
below the space temperature.
The zon
e’s local heat has not operated f
or at least 5 minutes and the SAT is
between 65 (18.3°C) and 80°F (26.6°C).
The zone’s local heat has not operated for at least 5 minutes, the current
mode is not Heat or Vent, and the SAT is less than 65°F (18.3°C).
Appendix B: VVT terminal modes
(page 130).
Zone Environmental Index
The i-Vu® Control System uses Environmental Index (EI) to calculate a real-time numerical EI value for a zone
based on ideal
space temperature, optional relative humidity (RH) and/or CO2. Environmental Index
determines the source(s) derating the EI value by continuously evaluating
zone conditions.
displays the source(s) derating the EI value. The
EI Space Temp Setpoint Tolerance
0.5 °F (0.28 °C) is
subtracted from
Effective Heat Setpoint
and is added to
Effective Cool Setpoint
, expanding the ideal EI
temperature sensitivity range. The EI is derated from the initial
value of 100% if the space temperature
deviates from the ideal EI temperature sensitivity range.
EI Space Temp Setpoint Tolerance
does not affect the controlling space temperature
Effective Heat
Effective Cool Setpoint