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CANON SmartBase PC1210D/1230D/1270D REV. 1 MAR. 2002
7-54 Subaddress
A subaddress is used to indicate the location of a memory box in the other party (e.g.,
confidential mailbox, polling box), and it consists of 20 or fewer characters (numerals, *,
#, space). As log as the other party complies with the International Standards of ITU-T, the
machine can communicate with it by means of subaddresses.
At times, an ID number (referred to as a “password”) is used to restrict access to a loca-
tion indicated by a subaddress.
With some models, polling based on subaddresses is called “selective polling”, and a
subaddress used at time of polling is called a “selective polling address”. Password
A password used by a Canon facsimile machine may be any of the following:
Password for Subaddress Communications:
This is an ID number used for a subaddress communication and, as in the case of a
subaddress, it consists of 20 or fewer characters (numerals, *, #, space).
Communication Password:
This is an ID number used for a password communication. Some models use 4 decimal
characters (0000 through 9999), while some use 3 decimal characters (000 through 255).
Password Used When Making Settings:
A password may also be used for memory lock Rx, call restriction, and
other functions. Such a password consists of 4 decimal characters (0000
through 9999), and it is important to remember that these passwords are
used inside the machine and are not intended for communication proce-
dures. Signals
Tonal Signal:
A tonal signal consists of sinusoidal waves of a specific frequency, and may be thought
of as a sound carrying a meaning. CNG, CED, and ANSam are tonal signals.
Binary Signal:
A binary signal is used to indicate the meaning of a procedure. It is either ‘1’ or ‘0’,
modulated according to frequency, and is used as G3 procedure signals.
Procedure Signal:
It is a generic term for a tonal signal and a binary signal.
It is a signal attached to the beginning of a binary signal, and is used to synchronize mo-
dem signals for a procedure signal.
Image Signal:
Of procedure signals, it is used for actual transmission of image data.
Significant Signal:
It is a signal whose significance can be understood by a facsimile machine that receives
it, and it is free of a transmission error.