PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
From this window, you can choose to save the motion data for use in the
MotionWare analysis software (as a Motion format file), or optionally in an
Actiwatch-compatible format for analysis with your existing sleep software. The
latter format will not save some details of the file data, particularly only marking
questionnaire times to a per-epoch resolution, and having no method of marking
data periods “missing” rather than simply zero, but is adequate for most analysis.
Note that you can save in several formats simultaneously by leaving them
selected. The raw recording is also kept in the Diary software, so can be re-
exported using this method at any point.
9.7 Demonstrating a Timed Questionnaire
We would recommend that before giving any new wearer the PRO-Diary, you
first demonstrate to them how to operate the device. This is easiest using a
spare device already set up with a single questionnaire on request, and selecting
the “Enable Demo Beeps” option during setup. You can then show them:
How to turn on the device by holding their finger over the left button.
That this allows them to read the time.
How to select one of the currently available questionnaires, such as
Lead them through answering all the questions in that questionnaire.
How the Diary will appear when it is beeping for a timed questionnaire.
This can be demonstrated by:
Take the Diary from the wearer
Wake it using the left button
Select the right-
most option “System Information” and select it
Select the right-
most option “Timed demo” and select it
Hand the Diary back to the wearer as it beeps
Explain how they can then choose either the OK, In a few
minutes, or Cancel option
It is usually preferable to perform this demonstration using a version of one of the
questionnaires they will later receive so that they can see both the operation of
the Diary and the nature of the questions they will be asked at the same time.