PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
4.6 Creating a New Question Database
When you want to begin work on your own set of questions and schedules, you
can create a new database file to contain these. This way it will not be cluttered
up by the examples or any questions you have previously created for a different
purpose. To do this, use the ‘File -> New Question Database…’ option in the
quick view window. You can later switch between question databases using
> Open Question Database…’. Your current database file is also shown in the
quick view window.
4.7 Diary Menu Customisation
There is an option in the File menu of the quick view window for menu
customisation. This allows you to change the text shown by the Diary during
common actions. You can use this to translate the menu text of the Diary to a
different language. You can also use it simply to clarify or slightly change the
English messages if you wish. Once you have created a set of menu
customisations using this option, you must select one from the drop down list
when setting up a Diary in order to make use of it.
4.8 Conditional Questionnaire Sequences
Simple questionnaires can be designed for the PRO-Diary by dragging questions
to and from the available list. The questions will always be asked one after the
other from the top to the bottom. They can be re-ordered by dragging them up or
down the list. However, it is also possible to design questionnaires with more
complex sequencing once the ‘advanced mode’ is enabled. This section
describes how to create and modify questionnaires with different sequencing.
Quick Summary
Select a question to see its answers
Each answer has an arrow showing which question will then follow if that
answer is chosen
Drag an answer to a different place in the questionnaire to create a link
for that answer
Do this for as many answers as you want to
If you want all answers to lead to the same place, drag the ‘- Drag here to
redirect all answers
–‘ item
If you want to remove your links, so all answers just lead to the question
below, press the button for ‘Clear links from this question’
A sequence of questions can be marked for random ordering, but only if
there are no conditional links within them.
Note that:
You can only create a split in the sequence using a multiple choice
question, because only these have several different answers
Small arrows will be added to the side of the question list whenever an
answers leads anywhere except the question below
You can drag answers to just below the bottom of the list to direct straight
to the end of the questionnaire