PRO-Diary User Guide 1.2.1 10/02/15
Configure the parts circled in red above:
Type in the question “Did you sleep well?”
Ensure the “Multiple Choice” question type is selected
Select the fourth mark down on the left to enable four answer boxes to
the right
Fill in the answers as suggested
Note the preview window on the right. This allows you to see how well the
question and answers fit on the screen of the PRO-Diary. You can move your
mouse across the selection bar below the display of the Diary to show different
answers. If the preview window is not visible you can create it using the drop-
down in the bottom left of the question window.
Click “Save” in the question window to add the question to the Morning
questionnaire. You can then continue do add more questions if you wish,
experimenting with other question types. Then save the questionnaire using the
“Save” button circled in red: