Chapter 8
Performing Initial Configuration
This section describes how to establish a management connection with the PTP 820F unit and lists
the configuration steps that should be performed in order to enable basic radio connectivity. For
detailed configuration instructions, refer to the User Guide for PTP 820F, PTP 820G.
Establishing a Connection
You can connect to the PTP 820F unit using a TP cable with a LAN connection or using a Serial RS-
232 cable.
Connecting to the Unit with a Serial Connection
Connect an RS-232 cable with an RJ-45 interface from your laptop or PC to the Terminal
Interface on the PTP 820F front panel.
Figure 10: Terminal Interface
Configure the following settings for the COM port you are using on your PC or laptop:
Bits per Second - 115,200
Data Bits - 8
Parity - None
Stop Bits - 1
Flow Control - None
Connecting to the Unit with a LAN Connection
PTP 820F contains two FE management interfaces, which connect to a single RJ-45 physical
connector on the front panel (MGMT). For details on which type of cable to use to utilize either one
or both management interfaces, refer to Management Interface Cable Options.
Connect the cable to Management interface (MGMT) on the PTP 820F front panel, and to the LAN
port on the PC.