Message Length and Concatenated Messages
The SMS Manager can accept messages up to 1000 bytes in length. The SMS Manager does not currently support
concatenated SMS, either on transmit or receive. Although it will break up sent messages greater than 160 characters
into individual 160 byte messages for transmission, it will not make use of the UDH feature to enable the receiving end
to properly reassemble the parts in order.
It is strongly recommended that all messages remain within the 160-character length.
Success or Fail Response Message
In cases where the manager sends a command response to the client, the following is returned:
Command letter:
Option: NONE
Command Syntax:
$PCALR,<response message>\n
where the response message is:
(command successful)
-ERR<sp><optional text>
(command failed, with possible descriptive text)
Data Message
Use to send outgoing SMS messages or deliver incoming SMS messages to the client.
Command letter:
= Do not respond
(default: Respond with success or failure)
Command syntax, Manager
Client: (SMS message received)
$PCALD, <sender’s phone number>,<yy-mm-dd>,<hh:mm:ss>,<SMS message text>\n
Command syntax, Manager
Client: (send an SMS message)
$PCALD[X], <destination’s phone number>,<SMS message text>\n
Send Test Message
Use to send a predefined test SMS message.
Command letter:
= Do not respond
(default: Respond with success or failure)
Command syntax, Client
(sent a Test SMS message)
$PCALD[X], <destination phone number>\n
where the response message is:
Table 30 Canned Test Messages
Message Number
#\"%&'( )*+,–.!/\n0...9\n:;<=>?\nA...Z\na...z"
Vanguard 3000 Series Multicarrier Cellular Data Modem & IP Router PN 001-7300-100 Rev. B
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