CoMPASS (CAEN Mul -PArameter Spectroscopy So ware) is the new so ware from CAEN able to imple-
ment a Mul -parametric DAQ for Physics Applica ons, where the detectors can be connected directly to
the digi zers inputs and the so ware acquires energy, ming, and PSD spectra.
CoMPASS so ware has been designed as a user-friendly interface to manage the acquisi on with all the
CAEN DPP algorithm. CoMPASS can manage mul ple boards, even in synchronized mode, and the event
correla on between different channels (hardware and/or so ware), apply energy and PSD cuts, calculate
and show the sta s cs (trigger rates, data throughput, etc...), save the output data files (raw data, lists,
waveforms, spectra) and use the saved files to run off-line with different processing parameters.
CoMPASS So ware supports CAEN x720, x724, x725, x730, x740D, x751 digi zer families running the DPP-
PSD, DPP-PHA and DPP-QDC firmware, and the x781 MCA family.
Fig. 9.6:
CoMPASS so ware tool.
The installa on package can be downloaded on CAEN web site (
login required
) at:
Home / Products / Firmware/So ware / Digi zer So ware / Readout So ware / CoMPASS
CAEN provides the so ware User Manual
, free downloadable at the web page above.
CoMPASS does not work with waveform recording firmware.
UM3247 - N6724 User Manual rev. 10