602 CyberSWITCH
The first line indicates:
the number of the condition within that filter which matched the packet and consequently
caused a discard action,
the point at which the filter was applied, or a designation of global. For an IP network in-
terface, this will be the configured name of the interface. For a device-based filter, this will
be the configured device’s name.
In or Out, corresponding to INPUT or OUTPUT application.
The next lines contain a brief decode of the packet which was discarded. In particular, the
packet fields which comprise the packet type comparisons are displayed. The key IP fields are
always displayed on one line. If the IP protocol is one of the explicitly recognized values (ICMP,
UDP, TCP) the next line will contain a decode of the key fields of that protocol.
Disables the trace.
ip ping <host IP address> [timeout /dnnnn]
Sends an ICMP Echo message to a specified host. The parameters for this command are:
host IP address
IP address using dotted decimal notation for the target host.
Optional parameter that indicates the number of seconds to wait for an ICMP Echo Reply
Message. The valid range for the time out value is 1 to 60. The default value is 10.
Optional parameter that indicates the data size in bytes for the ICMP Echo message. The valid
range for the data size value is 0 to 2020. The default value is 0.
Possible Results and their meanings:
ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd is alive
The valid ICMP Echo Reply was received from host ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd.
No response from ddd.ddd.ddd.ddd
No response was received from the host within the timeout value number of seconds.
ip rip interface
Displays information pertaining to the interface data that is maintained by the IP RIP protocol.
The example screen below illustrates the interface information that will be displayed when this
command is entered.