C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
iNetVu™ 7710 Controller User Manual
97 Satellite and DVB Transponder Settings
Orbital slot / Longitude of the desired Satellite. The
Find Satellite
command will use this value
when attempting to find and lock onto a satellite signal.
Carrier Skew
The Carrier Skew is any known Skew on the target satellite. The Carrier Skew is used to adjust
the difference between the carrier polarity and physical polarity on the mount. The allowed Skew
range is from -90
to +90
. Most satellites have this value set to zero (0) unless the configured
satellite has a known Skew angle which the user may enter or in some cases have built-in Skew
for example Eutelsat. Ka systems are circular band and thus do not utilize this feature.
LNB Power (V)
In cases where the LNB requires more power than the modem can provide, or if the user would
like to power the LNB from the controller, or if the user would like to find satellite without the use
of a modem, this option allows for power from the controller to be supplied to the LNB through
the RX IN cable from the controller to the platform itself.
– disables this option and provides power to the LNB straight from the modem. In this case,
a splitter must be used for the RF connection as depicted in the figure below.
Fig. 77:
RF Cable Setup for DIS selection