C-COM Satellite Systems Inc.
iNetVu™ 7710 Controller User Manual
LCD Method
Advance to the CONF menu using the ‘←’ and ‘→’ arrows on the keypad.
Advance to “MT” using the ‘←’ and ‘→’ arrows and press the “Enter” key on the
keypad. Select, Platform Type, Platform Version and enter Serial Number where
the platform description appears (i.e. A0756A for Fly-75V (.75cm flyaway)). Click
on the ‘↑’ arrow once, this action will allow you to make modifications to that
section, each section is separated by a hyphen (-).
Fig. 15:
MT Screen from Configuration (CONF)
3. Next to the platform type (i.e. A0756A, etc.), there exists a platform hardware
version followed by 5-digit platform serial number as outlined in the figure above.
Change version number and the iNetVu
Platform Serial Numbers by using the
‘→’ to advance between digits, and the ‘↑’ or ‘↓’ to change the value of the digit.
The iNetVu
Mobile Platform Serial Number and Hardware Version will be found
on your iNetVu
Platform ONLY the LAST 5 DIGITS need be entered for the
Serial Number.
After this is complete, go back to the CONF Sub menu by pressing the “Exit”
button to navigate backwards.
Navigate to the “PW” menu from the keypad. The “Exit” button on the keypad can
be used to navigate back to the sub/main menu, and the “Enter” button will allow
the user to enter a
menu. (default CONF menu access password “
This can be changed or left as is.
Press “Exit” twice and when prompted if you would like to save the configuration,
press the ‘↑’ button such that ‘Y’ is selected for “yes”, and press, “Enter”.
Navigate to “SYS” under the INFO menu and select the “Enter” button on the
keypad a screen,
navigate to “CC1” containing Platform Type, Platform Version
and Serial Number Data as well as data record logging. This validates the
configuration of the system was saved.
Navigate to “OPERATION” using the arrows and select the “Enter” key on the
keypad. Advance to “STOW” verify that there are no obstructions that would
impede a sweep and press “ENTER”. System will find AZ Stow limit switch and
zero itself before moving up on elevation (EL UP will come ON) for Fly-Away
platforms while on the Drive-Away systems movement will be down on elevation
(EL ST will come ON).
That’s it. You have successfully completed the installation and setup of the iNetVu
Controller and are ready to find satellite.