Operation Instruction/
Instruksi Operasi
(2)Confirm the amount of oil/ Konfirmasi jumlah minyak
When carrying out the procedure described below in 2,
remove the slide plate and take extreme caution not to allow
your fingers to come in contact with the hook.
1) If the machine has not been sufficiently warmed up for
operation, make the machine run idle for approximately
three minutes.(Moderate intermitten operation.)
2) Place the amount of oil (oil splashes) confirm mation
paper under the hook while the sewing machine is in
3) Confirm that the height of the oil surface in the oil
reservoir is within the range between
“HIGH” and “LOW”.
4) Confirmation of the amount of oil should be completed in
five seconds.(Check the period of time with a watch.)
Saat melakukan prosedur yang dijelaskan di bawah dalam 2,
lepaskan pelat geser dan berhati-hatilah agar jari Anda tidak
bersentuhan dengan pengait.
1) Jika mesin belum cukup panas untuk dioperasikan, buat
mesin dalam keadaan idle selama kira-kira tiga menit.
(Operasi antar waktu sedang.)
2) Tempatkan jumlah minyak (percikan minyak) kertas
konfirmasi di bawah pengait saat mesin jahit sedang
3) Pastikan ketinggian permukaan minyak di reservoir minyak
berada dalam kisaran antara "TINGGI" dan "RENDAH".
4) Konfirmasi jumlah oli harus diselesaikan dalam lima detik.
(Periksa periode waktu dengan arloji.)
5)The amount of oil shown in the semples on the left should
be finely adjusted in accordance with sewing processes. Be
careful not to excessively increase/decrease the amount of
oil in the hook. (If the amount of oil is too small, the hook
will be seized (be hook will be hot). If the amount of oil is
too much, the sewing product may be stained with oil.)
6)Adjust the amount of oil in the hook so that the oil
amount should not change while checking the oil
amount three times (on the three sheets of paper).
5)Jumlah minyak yang ditunjukkan pada sampel di sebelah kiri
seharusnya disesuaikan dengan baik sesuai dengan proses
menjahit. Berhati-hatilah untuk tidak menambah/mengurangi
jumlah minyak di hook secara berlebihan. (Jika jumlah minyak
terlalu sedikit, pengait akan tersangkut (karena pengait akan
menjadi panas). Jika jumlah minyak terlalu banyak, produk jahit
dapat ternoda minyak.
6) Sesuaikan jumlah oli di hook agar jumlah oli tidak berubah saat
memeriksa jumlah oli tiga kali (pada tiga lembar kertas).
Amount of oil confirmation paper
Jumlah kertas konfirmasi minyak
70 mm
Use any paper available regardless of the material
Gunakan kertas apa pun yang tersedia terlepas dari
Position to confirm the amount of oil
Hook driving shaft front bushing
Oil splasbes confirmation pape
Oil reservoir
Reservoir reservoir minyak
Place the amount of oil
oil splashes
paper under the hook
Sample showing the appropriate amount of oil
ampel menunjukkan jumlah minyak yang sesuai Percikan
minyak dari kail
plashes of oil from the hook
percikan minyak dari kail
Appropriate amount of oil( small)
Minyak secukupnya (sedikit)
Splashes of oil from the hook
Percikan minyak dari kail
Appropriate amount of oil(large)
extremely careful about the operation of the machine since the amount of oil has to be checked by
turning the hook at a high speed.
Berhati-hatilah dengan pengoperasian mesin karena jumlah oli
harus diperiksa dengan memutar pengait pada kecepatan tinggi.
Summary of Contents for BF8802E
Page 33: ...2 Main Shaft Thread Take up Components 5 45 28 30 31 42 34 41 40 32 33 35 36 37 44 38 39 29 43...
Page 45: ...7 Oil Lubrication Components 17 18 18 17 1 2 16 3 20 4 19 9 7 5 8 6 14 10 11 15 21 12 13...
Page 49: ...9 Thread Stand Components 21 6 7 8 1 2 9 10 3 15 13 11 12 4 14 5 6 7 9 18 19 16 19 17 18...
Page 51: ...10 Accessories 23 5 6 7 11 8 1 10 3 2 12 4 9...
Page 55: ...12 Big hook Components 27 21 6 2 3 4 5 20 12 7 8 11 10 9 13 14 16 1 15 19 18 17...