Operating manual
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Bungard CCD Premium
An international trendsetter on the world market for printed circuit board
production is the
It combines all available highlights, required in a modern PCB lab, to a
fully equipped CNC center.
Highest possible speed of 22m/minute
Extremely high step resolution of 1 µm.
32 Bit chip technology for extremely quick communication on
Windows 8 (or higher)
direct USB Port for easy installation
high precision aluminium table, double sided face milled, for
about zero height tolerance
low maintenance costs due to linear belt drive in x- and y- direc-
Standard features:
two synchronous, in parallel working stepper motors for X-axis for
max possible stiffness
100.000 1/min spindle for smallest tool diameters
300 W spindle
stepper motor torque adjustable via software
30 tool boxes for automatic tool change.
tool length measurement and calibration incl. tool break control
integral pressure foot and depth limiter system
dust extraction with autostart function via software
rollrack with transparent 2 doors with security switches
Laser head for LDI
Standard software supplied with the system:
Software resolution 0,1µm
LOG files for perfect and automated online support.
ROUTEPRO 3000 incl. Modules:
- Plus 3000
- LaserPro 3000
- DispPro 3000
- Document 3000
- Calibrate 3000
- Inspect 3000
Available options:
- Dispenser
- Super silent compressor
- Chiller for spindle in heavy use
Coming soon:
version with 63.000 1/min spindle
remote control of system via smart phones
vacuum table
Note: Computer does not belong to extend of delivery.
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2292/5036, Fax: +49 (0) 2292/6175, E-mail: [email protected]