Operating manual
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Installation Manual RoutePro3000
System requirements:
CCD with Controller 2006 or younger.
Computer with Windows XP SP3 till Windows 8 64 bit. 1,3 GHz
Processor, 2 GB main memory and 200 MB free disc space.
Internet connection during setup and registration. The internet
connection is necessary to install updates like Visual C++ and
Framework 4. In addition you can register your RoutePro3000-
version and, if there, activate licenses for special modules (laser,
dispense, calibrate etc.).
After installation you can of course work offline.
New machines:
all necessary files including the specific para-
meters for your machine are packed into the file “SetupRoute-
Pro3000.exe”, which is located on the delivered CD. The folders
documents, licenses and projects are stored additionally on the
CD, so you have access to help files and licenses prior to installa-
Existing machines with RoutePro2008:
You can download the
current Routepro3000 version with all necessary files including
our standard parameters for machine and tools from the customer
area of our homepage. Please register on our homepage with
your customer ID. If you are not a direct customer, please register
with the name of your dealer and the customer number you have
with him). After installation you have to adapt the parameters for your machine from Route-
Pro2008 into RoutePro3000 (correction factors, table size, values for sensor and tool slots). If you
want to read the help file prior to installation, you can download the help file from our homepage.
Existing machines with RoutePro3000:
We created a
separate file “UpdateRoutePro3000.exe”. This file does
not contain the resource data and thus your already ex-
isting parameters for machine and tools will not be over-
written. This Update version can also be downloaded
from our homepage.
Make sure your resource data are in the correct loca-
C:\Program Files\RoutePro3000\Re-
Read the manual of RoutePro3000. Connect CCD to your computer. Then install RoutePro3000:
Double-click on “SetupRoutePro3000.exe” and follow the routine. Depending on your system Mi-
crosoft Framework 4 and Microsoft Visual C++ will be installed automatically. If you do not have
the latest firmware on your CCD controller, then your controller will be flashed automatically. A re-
start of RoutePro3000 may be required in this case.
If you use special modules like laser, calibration or dispensing, then please read the special in-
struction for these modules coming with the hardware and refer to the applying help topics in the
RoutePro manual/help system.
Bungard Elektronik GmbH & Co. KG, Rilkestraße 1, 51570 Windeck – Germany
Tel.: +49 (0) 2292/5036, Fax: +49 (0) 2292/6175, E-mail: [email protected]