Fabric OS Command Reference
There will be two trace dump
files transferred after this command.
OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no]
Host IP or Host Name:
User Name:
Network Protocol(1-auto-select, 2-FTP, 3-SCP, 4-SFTP) [1]: 4
Remote Directory:
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:RAS...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:TRACE_OLD...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:TRACE_NEW...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:FABRIC...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:CORE_FFDC...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:DIAG...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:RTE...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:ISCSID_DBG...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:AGDUMP...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:SSHOW_PLOG...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:SSHOW_OS...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:SSHOW_EX...
Saving support information for chassis:HL51,module:SSHOW_FABRIC...
(output truncated)
To collect support information on a Brocade 5100 and save it to an attached USB device (timeout values
are doubled):
supportsave -U -d mysupportsave -t 2
This command collects RASLOG, TRACE, supportShow, \
core file, FFDC data
and then transfer them to a FTP/SCP/SFTP server \
or a USB device.
This operation can take several minutes.
NOTE: supportSave will transfer existing trace dump \
file first, then
automatically generate and transfer latest one. \
There will be two trace dump
files transferred after this command.
OK to proceed? (yes, y, no, n): [no]
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:RAS...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:TRACE_OLD...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:TRACE_NEW...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:FABRIC...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:CORE_FFDC...
No core or FFDC data files found!
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:DIAG..
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:RTE...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:ISCSID_DBG...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:AGDUMP...
Saving support information for chassis:ras9,module:SSHOW_PLOG...
(output truncated)