Fabric OS Command Reference
To zero out database execute the following commands:
fcrlsanmatrix --add -lsan 0 0
fcrlsanmatrix --add -fcr 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
fcrlsanmatrix --apply -all
In a dual backbone configuration, execute
fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview
on the FCR switches to
confirm that the shared edge fabric FIDs have the same access in both backbones.
fcrlsanmatrix --display -lsan
fcrproxydevshow -a
. Check that the LSAN
binding matrix in the cache is not in conflict with the existing import/export devices that are displayed
on the FCR switch. If there is a conflict, do one of the following:
Update the LSAN/FCR binding matrix in the cache to allow access for the FIDs that have
imported devices.
Remove the conflicting import/export devices by updating the LSAN zone in the edge fabrics.
Disable the conflicting devices.
Error message (2)
"There may be other FCR switches in the backbone that do not support the LSAN Binding feature or do
not have the same fcrlsanmatrix settings."
"Please refer to the man page for the corrective action."
Corrective actions:
Check that all FCR switches in the backbone support the LSAN Binding feature, otherwise the
feature is not supported.
fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview
to confirm that all the switches in the backbone have the same
LSAN binding matrix. If not, clear the LSAN binding feature on all the switches and reapply the same
LSAN binding matrix on all the FCR switches in the backbone.
In a dual backbone configuration, use
fcrlsanmatrix --fabricview
on the FCR switches to confirm
that the shared edge fabric FIDs have the same access in both backbones.
Refer to the
Fabric OS Message Reference manual
for further diagnostic information.
To add the LSAN Zone Matrix data (For the following example, assume that the backbone has the
following online edge fabrics (FIDs): 1, 2, 4, 5, 7, 8, and 10. Currently, FIDs 14 and 19 are not available).:
fcrlsanmatrix --add 4 5
fcrlsanmatrix --add 4 7
fcrlsanmatrix --add 10 14
fcrlsanmatrix --add 10 19
To remove an entry:
fcrlsanmatrix --remove 10 14
To display the information from the cache:
fcrlsanmatrix --display -lsan
Fabric ID 1 Fabric ID 2
4 5
4 7
10 19
To apply the changes persistently:
fcrlsanmatrix --apply -lsan