Fabric OS Command Reference
Specifies all ports on the logical switch. This operand is valid only with the
Moves an active FA-PWWN from a source to the specified destination port. Use
this command to move a server across switch ports. If the source port has both a
user-assigned and an automatically assigned FA-PWWN, the user-assigned
FA-PWWN will be moved to the destination port as a user-assigned FA-PWWN
and replace any automatically assigned FA-PWWN that may be active on that
port. If the source port has only an auto-assigned FA-PWWN, the auto-assigned
FA-PWWN will be moved to the destination port and the FA-PWWN feature will be
disabled on the source port, because there is no FA-PWWN left on that port.
When moving PWWNs between Access Gateways, you must specify the source
AG node WWN and the destination AG node WWN in addition to the ports.
The following operands are supported with the
Specifies the source AG by its node WWN. This operand is required only when
moving ports between Access Gateways.
Specifies the destination AG by its node WWN. This operand is required only
when moving ports between Access Gateways.
Specifies the port from which to move the PWWN.
Specifies the destination port for the moved PWWN.
Displays the command usage.
To enable the FA-PWWN feature on a switch port:
fapwwn --enable -port 10
To disable the FA-PWWN feature on the switch port:
fapwwn --disable -port 10
To move the active FA-PWWN from a source port to another port:
fapwwn --move -srcport 2 -dstport 3
To move the active FA-PWWN from a source AG port to a destination AG port:
fapwwn --move -srcag 11:11:11:11:11:11:11:11 \
-srcport 12 -dstag 22:22:22:22:22:22:22:22 -dstport 14
To assign a user-assigned FA-PWWN to a switch port:
fapwwn --assign -port 1/10 -v 50:60:70:71:72:73:81:81
To assign an automatically assigned FA-PWWN to a switch port:
fapwwn --assign -port 1/10
To assign a fabric-assigned FA-PWWN to an AG port identified by the AG node WWNN and port number:
fapwwn --assign -ag 12:34:56:78:90:12:23:45 -port 0