Fabric OS Command Reference
The values for virtual channel settings are as follows:
Field Default Range
VC Priority 2 2 2 to 3
VC Priority 3 2 2 to 3
VC Priority 4 2 2 to 3
VC Priority 5 2 2 to 3
VC Priority 6 3 2 to 3
VC Priority 7 3 2 to 3
F_Port Login Parameters
Specifies the F_Port login parameters. The following F_Port login settings are configurable. Unless there
are issues with F_Port staging, do not change default values. (* = multiplication symbol)
Field Type Default Range
Maximum logins Number For directors: 1 to
per switch 16 * the max number 126 * the max
of physical ports
Logins per second Number 0 0 to 100
Login stage interval
(milli-seconds) Number 0 0 to 10000
Stage FDISC logins
with busy rejects: Number 0 1 to 255
login: Number 0 0 to 1
Maximum logins per switch
Sets a switch-wide limit on allowed logins. The maximum login per switch has
decreased with Fabric OS v6.4.0. When upgrading from pre-v6.4.0 firmware
versions, the configured maximum is carried forward and may exceed the v6.4.0
limit. It is recommended to reconfigure this parameter to be within the range
permitted in Fabric OS v6.4.0.
The following three parameters are related to staged F_Port logins by FLOGI requests and virtual device
logins by FDISC(SID==0) requests.
Logins per second
Specifies the number of logins the switch accepts per second in staged F_Port
bring up.
Login stage interval
Specifies the stage interval in staged F_Port bring up.
Stage FDISC logins with busy reject:
This parameter, if nonzero, enables staging of FDISC logins by rejecting the
FDISC requests with "logical busy", when the requests are more than the number
of configured "logins per second". It also specifies the number of FDISC requests
that will always be accepted first without reject.
Enforce FLOGI/FDISC login
Setting this flag allows a second F_Port login (FLOGI/FDISC login) in the event of
two devices attempting to log in with the same PWWN. In default mode (zero) the
first FLOGI/FDISC login takes precedence over the second. When the flag is set
to 1, the second LOGI/FDISC login takes precedence over the first. This
parameter applies only to NPIV ports. You must disable the switch to change this