Fabric OS Command Reference
Tape policy type: pool-based or LUN-based
Key life: key lifespan in days
Volume/pool label
LUN state: Refer to the
Fabric OS Encryption Administrator's Guide
Encryption algorithm: AES256 -XTS (disk), AES256-CCM (tape), or none
Compression algorithm
Key ID state: available or not available
Key ID: numeric identifier if available
New LUN: Yes or No
Replication LUN type: Primary or Mirror
If the LUN is a disk and the LUN is enabled for auto rekey, the following additional information is
displayed below the Key ID. Refer to the example section for an illustration.
Key creation time: date and time
Key life: remaining time (in days) until the key expires
Rekey status: 0 = rekey in progress, 1 = no rekey in progress
Key expiration time: date and time
Time remaining to Auto Rekey: Displays key life for LUNs that
are currently being rekeyed and after the rekey is complete.
The remaining Key life period is displayed in the following format:
When used with
--show -LUN
command displays LUN configuration information:
EE node: node WWN
EE slot: slot number
Target: target port WWN and node NWWN
VT: virtual target port WWN and node WWN
Number of hosts: numeric value
Configuration status: committed or defined
For each host:
Host port WWN and node WWN
Virtual initiator port WWN and node WWN
Virtual initiator PID
Number of LUNs
For each LUN:
LUN number: numeric identifier
LUN type: disk, tape drive, tape medium changer, tape attached medium changer,
offline/unknown, or unsupported/other
LUN status: numeric value
Encryption mode: encrypt or cleartext
Encryption format: native or DF compatible
Tape policy type: pool-based or LUN-based
Encrypt existing data: disabled or enabled
Rekey: disabled or enabled
Key ID state: Read, Write, or Key ID not applicable
Key life (in days): numeric value