Broadcom NetXtreme Ethernet Adapter • Diagnostic User’s Guide
page 37
Broadcom Confidential and Proprietary
Disabled Tests:
D9. IPSec Loopback Test
F1. Indirect APE Ctrl Register Test
F2. APE Control Register Test
F8. APE Mutex Register Test
F9. APE Timers Test
G3. APE CPU SMBus Loopback Test
G4. APE CPU GPIO Register Test
G9. APE USB Test (UEFI Only)
-I <num>
iteration number
Use this option to specify the number of times the tests to be run. The default is run one time.
A number zero indicates loop forever. A control-C or control-break key can be used to break
the loop. Any error detected will also stop testing after reporting the error.
Example: -I 5
Run tests five times.
display current version number
If this option is entered, it displays the software version number/silkscreen revision and then
exits the program.
e <code>
Encryption Code
This option is required to use option -geneep, –f, -m, –n, -mac and -s.
-geneep <file> Generate eeprom.bin file from eeprom.txt
A password is needed to run this option. With this option, it updates the specified eeprom
binary file with the specifications defined in eeprom.txt. Please see Section 6.0
EEPROM.TXT format for detailed argument description.
-bus <bus:dev:func> Test UUT location
If only bus number has been specified, the program will test all the UUTs at the
specified bus number.
Example: -bus 2.
If bus number and device number have been specified, the program will test all the
UUTs with the specified bus number and device number.
Example: -bus 2:4