Broadcom NetXtreme Ethernet Adapter • Diagnostic User’s Guide
page 50
Broadcom Confidential and Proprietary
7 User Interface Commands
The commands are summarized in the following groups: vpd, nvram, cpu, dma, packet, mii, mem,
test, power, irq, mac, misc, bridge and uart.
Note: For UEFI version, not all tests are supported. Refer to online help for more information.
Command Group 'vpd'
vpdwrite Write VPD Memory
vpdread Read VPD Memory
vpdinfo Show VPD Information
vpdsecfg Config VPd field.
Generate vpd file.
Command Group 'nvram'
semode Same as flshmode command
seread Read NVRAM
sewrite Write NVRAM
secfg Configure NVRAM
seprg Program NVRAM
uprg Program userblock
upgfrm Upgrade PXE or Boot Code from a File
sever Display Serial NVRAM Version
sechksum Check/Update Serial NVRAM checksum
sedump Dump NVRAM content to a file
flshmode Configure NVRAM mode
flshread Same as seread
chkpxe Check PXE code image
dir Display file directory in NVRAM
iscsiprg Program iSCSI from a File
erase Erase file from directory in NVRAM
pxeprg Upgrade PXE from a File
flshdev Select flash device to access
bitbang Generate BitBang pattern to SEEPROM bus
seclock Set NVRAM config1 content value after reset
setorture NVRAM reset torture test
seinit Initialize NVRAM block
searb Set/Report current NVRAM arbitration bit
seprotect Set GPIO pin for NVRAM write protect
selclock Set Legacy EEPROM clock value (bit 16-24 of EEPROM
addr reg)
semap Display NVRAM usage
setwol Enable/Disable WOL
setpxe Enable/Disable PXE
secomp Compare EEPROM content against the file
dreset Double reset test for EEPROM debug
userblock Create a userblock in NVRAM
setmba Enable Multiple Boot Agent
segencrc Append a CRC to the specified block
secfghwsb1 Configure HW SelfBoot NVRAM
secfghwsb2 Configure HW SelfBoot NVRAM Group 2
secfghwsb3 Configure HW SelfBoot NVRAM Group 3
secfgsb1 Configure SelfBoot NVRAM
secfgsb2 Configure SelfBoot NVRAM Group 2
secfgsb3 Configure SelfBoot NVRAM Group 3
secfg1 Configure NVRAM Group 1