SS 16.16 Installation and Operation Manual
“ACT” Audio Activity Sensor:
The SS 16.16 contains one audio activity sensor, which may be used as a silence sen-
sor. The sensor monitors output channel sixteen. The factory default has a fixed sig-
nal threshold of -30dbu. Upon silence detection, the “ACT” indicator is extinguished
for the duration of silence and the rear panel open collector switches to ground.
When audio returns, the front panel “ACT” LED will illuminate and the open col-
lector will go into a high impedance state.
PIP Input:
The Parallel Input Port (GPI) with the Programmable Pulse Stretcher provides 16
pulse-stretched parallel 5-volt TTL/CMOS compatible inputs. The inputs are pulled
high to 5 volts through a 20K
resistor and are activated by pulling the input to
ground. Inputs supply status to any serial polling device
(when the unit ID is set
to 0, no polling of inputs is required).
For all PIP inputs, a pulse of 50ms or greater
is required to go true. The pulse stretch width may be varied between 50ms and 2.55
seconds. This allows the polling computer more time to detect an input change.
Open Collector Outputs:
The SS 16.16 provides sixteen open collector status outputs. The status outputs may
be configured to operate in one of three modes:
1. The status output follows the associated channel.
2. The status outputs a one-second pulse when the associated channel is selected.
3. Software burst mode control
Serial Communication:
The SS 16.16’s serial communication may be configured for multi-drop RS-232,
allowing up to 8 - SS 16.16’s on the same computer’s serial port. Burst mode allows
a computer or ASCII terminal to control and interrogate the unit. This section
defines all burst mode commands. Each burst mode command starts with an aster-
isk (“*”). Next is a single decimal digit that corresponds to the unit (ID) address 0-
7. Following that are one or more ASCII characters specifying the command. No
carriage-return or line-feed is required to terminate the command except for those
few commands of variable length, if the maximum length is not sent. If acknowl-
edgements are enabled, successful commands are responded to with “RRR” while
errors get an “EEE” response. The syntax of each command is given in the instal-
lation section of this manual.
User Programming:
The SS 16.16 programming is stored in non-volatile memory. Configurations are set
with selection dipswitches and computer commands.