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NTP: Network Time Protocol, use for synchronizing the system clock
with an NTP Server.
Mode: Enable/Disable (Default: Disable)
Server 1
5: Each one of these 5 fields permits the entry of
either and IPv4 address or an IPv6 address of the NTP server.
Save Button: Save setting before moving to another page. If
the save button is not apply, the new configuration on this page
will be lost.
Reset Button: If configuration has been applied but has not
been saved, clicking this button will reset the page back to
previous settings.
Figure 28: NTP Configuration Page
Time: This page allows for the configuration of the Time Zone.
Time Zone
List various Time Zones worldwide. Select Time
Zone from the drop down and click Save to set.
Acronym - User can set the acronym of the time zone. Range up
to 16 characters.
Daylight Saving Time
This is used to set the clock forward or
backward according to the configurations set under the “Start”,
“End” and “Offset” Settings table. Options to select from: Disable
(default), Recurring, & Non-recurring
Start Time and End Time Settings
These included the
Month, Date, Year, Hours, & Minutes.
Enter the number of minutes to add during Daylight
Saving Time (Range: 1 – 1440)