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>radio modem status
The radio will return a modem status listing. At the end of the listing look for
the following string.
Where value [xx] is the operating FPGA code revision. Refer to Release Notes
accompanying the release for this value.
* If necessary the radio can be rebooted using the following CLI command.
>system reboot
Updating UI using the GUI interface
The User Interface (UI) and FPGA are easily updated using the GUI interface.
Please note that running either update will interrupt the link and/or bring the
link down during the process. It is recommended to have a maintenance
window in place before beginning the process
Updating the UI, click on the Switch>Maintenance>Software>Upload to
access to the software upload page:
Figure 66: Software Upload
Click on “Choose File” and navigate to the folder were the
new UI software was previously download it to.
Select the .dat file and click “Open”
Click on “Upload” to begin the process
Once the upload completes, the radio will reload with the
new version.
Verification of the new code is done by either checking
the “Controller Version” on the Status Banner, below the
“Serial Number” section
Click to select
new code