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NOTE: This page can also be used to ping any other IP address.
TFTP Server IP: This field sets and displays the current TFTP server
address for TFTP transfers.
TFTP Timeout: This field sets the time interval for the TFTP timeout in
seconds, with fixed retry count resulting in timeout (6-30 seconds).
The “Save” button, must be click before any configuration changes will
take effect.
The “Reset” button, will reset the page back to the configuration
before any changes were made. Only if the “Save” button has not been
Installation Page
Selecting from the navigation pane Radio Functions>Installation opens
the following screen
Figure 167: Installation Pages
This page is for information only and does not affect the operation of the
radio. These are two columns; one column for information on the Local Radio
and a second column for the same type of information on the Remote Radio.
Both columns require the information to be manually inputted.
The information that can be entered here is as follows:
CLLI : Common Language Location Indicator
City: City where radio is installed
State: State where radio is located