1.2 Definition of person groups
Operators (e.g. medical supply stores, specialist dealers, facili-
ties, and cost units) include all physical or juridical persons, who
use the beds or have the beds used for medical purposes. The
briefing on the use of the products shall generally be conducted
by the operator.
Users are persons, whose training, experience, or briefing on
the product allows them to operate the health care bed or car-
ry out works on it. The user is capable of recognizing possible
hazards or to prevent such from occurring and to assess the
physical condition of the patient.
Patient / Resident
Persons in need of care, disabled or invalid persons lying in a
care bed.
Professionals include staff assigned by the operator, who are,
owing to their training or briefing allowed to deliver, mount, dis-
mount, and transport the bed. As a general rule, these persons
must be instructed to the guidelines concerning the cleaning
and disinfection of the health care bed.
1.3 Safety notes
The use of all moveable component parts in accordance with
their intended use is not only crucial with respect to the hazard
prevention for the patient but also when it comes to the safety
of the relatives and/or the nursing staff. Another important
aspect to be considered with respect to the operation of the
bed is the individual physical condition of the patient and the
kind and degree of their disability.
Please make sure that any hazards that might occur from unin-
tended adjustments and incorrect operation are avoided by
enabling the locking device. Whenever the operator, e.g. nur-
sing staff or caring relatives leave the room, it is recommen-
ded to lock all operating functions of the bed; this can be done
by means of the key at the hand control. For this purpose,
the lying surface needs to be brought to the lowest position,
and in a next step, the locking function can be enabled by
means of the key, which can be found at the back side of the
locking device. Just turn the key, pull it out and check, if the
locking function is really working by trying the buttons of the
hand control.
> Bock Top Advice
In the event of unidentifia-
ble errors, malfunctions, or
damages of the electrically
driven bed or its accessory,
the power plug should be
disconnected immediately
and the emergency lowe-
ring function should be
enabled. Please inform the
operator or the Hermann
Bock support team.
* Bock Hazard Note
The operator has the
responsability to take spe-
cial safety precautions for
anixous or restless patients,
to avoid the catch of sin-
gle extremities or the falling
out of bed. The bock ser-
vice team will be pleased
to advice you on possible
solutions for this cases.