Moreover, the hand control is equipped with a locking device,
which can be enabled by means of the associated key. In order
to lock all of the electrical functions, just insert the key into the
locking gate positioned on the back side and en- or disable the
locking function.
Hand control limoss
Function button 1
Head rest up
Function button 2
Head rest down
Function button 3
Foot part up
Function button 4
Foot part down
Function button 5
Lying surface up
Function button 6
Lying surface down
Function button 7
Function button 8
Function button 9
Comfort-sitting position
Function button 10
Release of the low function
5.9 Relocation/ Repositioning
In case, the bed is supposed to be moved to another place,
please make sure to observe the following safety instructions:
– bring the lying surface to the lowest position.
– Disconnect the mains plug and put it into the hook-up
appliance at the wooden side rail, in order to prevent
the mains power cable from dropping down and get-
ting rolled over. Please make sure, that the cable is not
dragged across the floor.
– Disconnect the 9 V battery. If it should be used again,
please re-connect it to the Ilco Flexx 581.
– Before connecting the mains plug, check the net cable
for visual and mechanical damages (kinks, marks, open
– Position the mains cable in such a way, that it cannot be
torn, rolled over, or damaged due to moveable parts of
the bed, before reconnecting the power plug.
* Bock Hazard Note
The motors fullfill the
IPX 4 requirements. The
cables should not be
crushed. The adjustment
of the movable parts
must be used for the
intended purpose only.
Hermann Bock GmbH
assumes no liability for
damages, occured by
unauthorized techical