and can be perfectly integrated into home environments owing
to the vast offer of decoration elements.
The beds are available with a lying surface which provides both 4
or 5 different adjustment functions. The electrical adjustment of
the lying surface´s back rest can be done by means of the hand
control. In case of the 4- resp. 5-sectioned lying surface, the
electrical control of the back- and leg part takes place by means
of the hand control including its automatic triple function.
Getting verona and verona low ready for use
Please remove all packaging from the bed before carrying out
the assembly.
1. Remove all connections toward the transport packaging.
2. Position the base frame including its scissor mechanism
and lock the castors. For simplification reasons, it is
recommended to adjust the scissors to knee-height after
you have connected to the lying surface drive.
3. When mounting the unpartitioned lying surface, just
insert the ball bearings positioned at the top section of
the scissors into the provided u-channel at the bottom
section of the lying surface. Now remove the spring cot-
ter pin from the base frame. Use the bolt to adjust the
lying surface between the two brackets. Use the spring
cotter pin to protect the bolts against unfastening.
4. The net cable has to be fastened to the lying surface with
the provided pull relief. Connect the mains plug and the
actuators to the lying surface motor.
5. Mount the side panneling of the frame with the provided
screws on the longitudinal lying surface frame bar.
Further mounting steps as decribed in chapter 5.7.