diac system must not be used. The operator of the medical
device shall be responsible for the conformity of the combination
of the devices with the requirements of DIN EN 60601-1:2006.
Particular features
belluno offers modern and reliable technique combined with
easy operations of different functions.
belluno is optionally available with a lying surface which provides
both 4 or 5 different adjustment functions. The electrical adjust-
ment of the lying surface´s back rest can be done by means of
the hand control. In case of the 4- resp. 5-sectioned lying sur-
face, the electrical control of the back- and leg part takes place
by means of the hand control including its automatic tripple
Getting belluno ready for use
Please remove all packaging leftovers from the health care bed
before carrying out the assembly.
1. Remove all connections toward the transport packaging.
2. Position the base with its scissors and lock the castors.
3. When mounting the devided lying surface, please see to
it, that the scissors are adjusted to knee height, which
can be done by means of the lying surface motor. Then
position the head part of the lying surface element onto
the ball bearings and mount the foot part of the lying sur-
face using the bolts. Use the spring cotter pin to avoid any
unintended release of the bolts. Put both lying surface
elements together and fasten them with the previously
removed bolts on both sides using an allen key. Now,
mount the drive in accordance with the specifications
(head- and foot part) and lock it.
4. When mounting the unpartitioned lying surface, just
insert the ball bearings positioned at the top section of
the scissors into the provided u-channel at the bottom
section of the lying surface. Now remove the spring cot-
ter pin from the base frame. Use the bolt to adjust the
lying surface between the two brackets. Use the spring
cotter pin to protect the bolts against unfastening.