The execution of the inspection, assessment, and documentati-
on must be performed only by or under supervision of professio-
nal persons such as electricians or electro-technically instructed
persons who have a thorough knowledge of the relevant provi-
sions and are able to recognize possible impacts and hazards.
In case that there is no suitable person on part of the operator
in order to perform the Safety-technical control, Bock´s service
offers you to carry out the Safety-technical control including
check and observance of the respective inspection terms for a
It is stipulated by the company Hermann Bock GmbH to exe-
cute an Safety-technical control for at least once a year and
before and after each re-use of the bed.
In order to facilitate the execution of all necessary safety inspec-
tions, the company Hermann Bock GmbH provides you with the
Safety-technical control-checklist which can be found in the
assembly- and operation manual. Please make a copy of the
checklist as a form for your safety-technical inspection. The Sa-
fety-technical control-checklist serves as evidence report of the
performed inspection and needs to be kept on file. The Safety-
technical control-checklist is also available as download from our
website: www.bock.net.
This nursing care bed was developed, constructed and manufac-
tured for a long term use. If properly used the expected life time
of this nursing care bed amounts to 2-10 years. The life time is
regulated by the usage condition and frequency. Therefore in
institutional use an even longer life time years can be expected.
Unauthorized technical modifications on the product result in
an exclusion of all guarantee claims.
> Bock Top Advice
The Bock-Safety-techni-
cal control-training takes
place either on your site
or at ours and trains your
technical staff in the per-
formance of the inspec-
tion of the Safety-techni-
cal control on Bock health
beds, so that they will
be in the position to carry
out safety-technical
inspections in an appro-
* Bock Hazard Note
The bed has to be cleaned
and disinfected prior to
every re-use. This provisi-
on is accompanied by the
requirement of a visual
inspection which needs to
be carried out in order to
prevent mechanical dama-