Getting Started
The program bus source select buttons are used to hot switch sources to the program output. The source
currently on air is indicated by a button that is illuminated red. Be careful when selecting sources on this row,
as they will instantly be switched on air!
A better and more orderly way to do transitions is to select them on the preview row, and then use a
transition to cut or transition them on air.
The bottom row of buttons is the preview bus source selection. This is where you will spend most of your
time selecting sources about to go on air. This selected source is sent to the program output when the next
transition occurs. The next transition can be triggered by pushing the cut button, the auto button, or by
toggling the fader bar. You can select between a mix, dip, wipe, DVE or other transition depending what
you have selected in the transition control section.
This is a very powerful way to use a switcher, because you can select your source on the preview row, and see
it on the preview video output to confirm that you have the correct source before you select the transition
you want. You can see what's happening at all stages so it’s hard to make mistakes. Only the M/E style of
operation allows you to keep track of what's going on.
You also might notice that once your transition is complete, the sources selected on the preview and
program rows swap over. This is because the source you selected on the preview row is now the new on
air source, so it becomes selected on the program row once the transition is complete. Remember the
program row always shows what's on air.
You will also see both the program and preview buttons illuminate red when doing an auto transition, as for
a short time, they are both on air while the transition occurs.
There are multiple types of transitions available, and they can be selected in the transition control. On the
ATEM 1 M/E Broadcast Panel there are two transition type buttons. One is labeled mix/dip and the other
is labeled DVE/wipe. Selecting these buttons selects mix and wipe transitions, however pressing shift and
then selecting mix or wipe allows more types of transitions, dip and DVE. You can also select both buttons
for a stinger transition. On the ATEM 2 M/E Broadcast Panel there are four transition type buttons. One is
labeled mix/dip and the others are labeled wipe, stng and DVE. Selecting these buttons selects mix, wipe,
stinger and DVE transitions. However pressing shift and then selecting mix allows for dip transitions. If you
are using the ATEM software control panel on your computer, all transition types have their own button, and
no shifting is necessary to select any of them. Extra details on how all these transitions work are provided
later in this instruction manual.