In an IBM Lotus Domino environment, you can copy the BlackBerry state
databases and BlackBerry profiles databases from the source BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances to the destination BlackBerry Enterprise Server
instances. You can perform this task if you do not want the BlackBerry
Enterprise Transporter to replicate the databases during the migration process.
IBM Lotus Domino documentation
If you plan to use the BlackBerry Enterprise Transporter in bulk mode, in a
Microsoft Exchange or Novell GroupWise environment, configure the destination
BlackBerry Enterprise Server instances to use the same instance names
(ServerConfig.ServiceName) and SRP IDs as the source instances.
In an IBM Lotus Domino environment, configure the destination BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances to use the same SRP IDs as the source BlackBerry
Enterprise Server instances.
Notify users that applications on the BlackBerry device that use a data
connection through the BlackBerry MDS Connection Service might experience a
service interruption until the user account is migrated and reactivated.
Installation and Administration Guide
Preparing the destination MDM domain for the migration process