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Chapter 4: Quick Installation Guide
• Gateway—Your ISP will provide the Gateway address which is the ISP server’s address. Enter the gateway IP address into the
box if required.
• DNS Server (Optional)―Enter the DNS Server IP address into the box if required.
• Secondary DNS Server Optional)―If your ISP provides another DNS server, enter it into this field.
3. If the connection type detected is PPPoE/Russia PPPoE, the next screen will appear. Configure the following parameters and
then click “Next” to continue.
Figure 4-9. Quick Setup—PPPoE/Russia PPPoE.
• User Name/Password—Enter the User Name and Password provided by your ISP. These fields are case-sensitive. If you have
difficulty with this process, contact your ISP.
• Confirm Password—Enter the password again to make sure that the password is correct.
4. If your connection type is L2TP/ Russia L2TP, select L2TP/Russia L2TP in Figure 4-6 and the next screen will appear as shown in
Figure 4-10. Configure the following parameters and then click “Next” to continue.