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Chapter 4: Configuration
4.3.6 Security > Settings
Configure the security features, such as Account Blocking, Password Policy, and Idle Timeout, as explained here.
From the Security section click “Settings,” and the Security Settings appear as in Figure 4-8.
Figure 4-8. Security settings.
The security page elements:
Account Blocking
—Decide on the number of attempts to log in with a wrong username or password—after which there is a
time lock or a total block.
Password Policy
—You have the option of a standard or high security password level. The table below shows the parameters of
the two options.
Table 4-1. Passwords.
Standard Security Password
High Security Password
6 characters or more
8 characters or more must include at least 1 digit and 1 upper case
letter and 1 “special” character as follows !@#$%^*()_-+=[]’:;?/
Must not include the user name
Must not include the user name
Check the box to enable the high security password policy. Unchecked, the standard security policy applies.
Idle Timeout
—Select the Timeout inactivity period after which the user is disconnected from the system. Timeout can also be