Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
SALES: 0118 965 5100
Ports 1-16 are A1-16 if fitted in the first line card slot or A17-32 if fitted in the second line
card slot.
Pin-outs of the analogue interfaces are given in an appendix.
For each port the LED is on when a phone is connected and off-hook. The LED flashes to
indicate ringing.
Restoring default settings
When the unit is first switched on the terminal port will default to 19200 baud, no parity, 8
data bits and 2 stop bits and will search for a <ctrl-c> being transmitted to the Primary to
Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer. If this occurs the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer will
restore the factory defaults otherwise it will use the stored settings.
If a setting has been changed and the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer ceases to
operate, powering up the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer, while holding down <ctrl-
c> for the first 20 seconds will restore a working configuration to the Primary to Basic Rate
ISDN Multiplexer.
The default settings are listed in an appendix.