Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
Unpack the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
First unpack the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer and check for signs of damage in
transit. If the unit or packaging is damaged this should be reported immediately to Black Box.
Take an Inventory
Assuming there is no damage, take an inventory of the parts supplied. Check that the items
ordered were actually received. The list below should be of help in identifying each part.
The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer ISDN Multiplexer
Cables for ISDN - RJ45-RJ45 (2 off)
Mains Cable
Terminal Cable DB9-DB9 (1 off)
This Manual
Connect to a PC or terminal
Plug the terminal cable into the rear of the unit and connect to a terminal or PC.
(The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer default terminal settings are ANSI terminal
compatible, 19200 baud, 8 data bits, no parity, 2 stop bits).
Connect power
Plug the power cable into the rear of the unit and switch on
(The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer will work on 110V or 240V mains supply
without adjustment).
Configure the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
Set up the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer using the menus (see the Menu System
chapter which commence on page 21).
Connect PRI line
Plug an ISDN cable into PRI 1 (port 1 on controller card) and connect it to the network
provided PRI line.
Connect terminal equipment
Plug a basic rate terminal into an enabled BRI, an analogue telephone into an enabled
analogue line or a primary rate terminal into PRI2 (if enabled).