Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer
TECHNICAL: 0118 931 2233
IP Setup
This option brings up a menu, which allows IP addressing to be configured. 2 modes are
available -auto and fixed.
Auto mode means that IP address, subnet mask and gateway are configured automatically by
the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer by requesting values from a BOOTP or DHCP
server on the network. This is the default mode. It allows The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN
Multiplexer to be used via Telnet without the user having knowledge of free IP addresses on
the network.
NB: the automatically configured settings can be viewed using the status system command. It
should be remembered that these settings may change if The Primary to Basic Rate ISDN
Multiplexer is switched off and on or disconnected from the network.
Fixed mode means that IP address; subnet mask and gateway are configured in the menu. It is
important to ensure that the IP address is unique. If the subnet mask is not known set it to
''. If no gateway is to be used set it to ''
It is generally best to use the fixed mode.
Changes to the IP address, subnet mask, gateway has no effect until escape is pressed.
The menu also allows up to 3 target IP addresses for SNMP traps to be defined.
Restore Defaults
This option restores the factory default settings. Confirmation is requested before the settings
are changed. If the saved setting for the terminal baud rate etc is different to the current
setting an option to use the current terminal setting is given.
Save Settings
This option saves the current settings for future recall. Confirmation is requested before the
saved settings are changed. These saved settings can be recalled at any time, even if the
power has been switched off and on.
NB: the Primary to Basic Rate ISDN Multiplexer has 2 areas to store settings so that they are
not lost on power down.
1) Current settings
This area holds the current settings. It is updated when any settings change is made and is
reloaded on power up.
2)Saved settings
This area holds the saved settings, which are saved and recalled by using this menu.