ONCORE PRO, Operating Manual, Rev. K
Reagent Check: Scan Reagents
Remove all reagent vial caps before proceeding.
From the Main screen, click “
Scan Reagents
” to open the
Reagent Check
screen. The reagent map is displayed on
the left and a table of reagents required for the run is displayed on the right.
Tip: Click “Print Required Reagents” to print the list of required reagents. A network or USB printer is required.
Figure 31
To scan all reagents with the RFID reader
, close the door and click “
Scan Reagents
”. The robotic arm will move the
RFID reader antenna over each reagent vial position and read out the stored RFID tag information. The system will
continue scanning until all required reagents have been detected or all 40 positions have been scanned.
Tip1: Click + drag to select specific reagent vial positions to scan.
Tip2: Click “Stop” to stop the scan while it is in progress.
Figure 32