The Bigfoot Unity
Diabetes Management System User Guide | Chapter 6
• Always check that the insulin name displayed on the Cap
matches the name on the insulin pen you intend to use before
making a diabetes treatment decision. If you take a dose with
the wrong insulin you could take too much or too little insulin,
which may result in severe low or high glucose.
• Use caution when using Bigfoot Unity to choose an insulin
dose if the Cap does not display the time since last dose or
if you think the time since last dose is not correct. If you are
unsure about how much insulin to take, follow your health care
provider’s recommendations.
• Bigfoot Unity only records doses taken with the insulin pens you
use with the Caps. If you take a dose of insulin without using
Bigfoot Unity, make sure you keep track of the time you took
insulin and check your glucose frequently. Allowing time for the
insulin to work prior to taking another dose can help prevent
severe low glucose.
Your Black Cap is not used to communicate with your Sensor or
Press the Black Cap button again to go back to the Time Since
Last Dose screen.
Consider what steps to take based on the information on the Black
Cap and your health care provider’s recommendations, including
how much insulin to dose from your pen.
• To dose insulin from your long-acting insulin pen, first remove
the insulin pen from the Black Cap. Follow the manufacturer’s
instructions for delivering a dose based on the type of pen and
insulin you are using.
• When you remove the insulin pen,
the Black Cap will indicate the Cap
is off. When the Black Cap is off for
more than 4 seconds, the timer is
automatically re-set to 0 when the Cap is placed back on the
insulin pen.
• After 30 seconds of inactivity, the Black Cap will time out and
turn off, and then display your long-acting insulin name.