Your scale is provided with a “Change battery” indicator. If the scale is operating with a battery
which is too weak, “Lo” appears on the display and the scale will switch off automatically. In this
case, the battery must be exchanged (3 x1,5 V, AAA, Mikro).
5. Operation
5.1 Weight measurement
Press quickly and forcefully with your foot on the platform of your scale. As a self-test, the com-
plete display will appear up to “0.0”.
The scale is now ready to measure your weight. Step on the scale and stand still with your weight
distributed evenly on both legs. The scale will start measuring your weight immediately and a short
time later will display your weight.
When you step off the scale, the scale will switch off after a few seconds.
5.2 Setting user data
To measure your body fat percentage and other physical data, you must enter your personal user
The scale has 10 memory positions in which you and other members of your family can save and
recall personal settings.
Switch on the scale by briefly stepping on the platform. Wait until the display shows “0.0”.
Then press “SET”. The first memory position will appear flashing on the display. Now you can
enter the following settings:
Memory position
1 to 10
Body size
100 to 220 cm (3‘-03“ to 7‘-03“)
10 to100 years
male ( ), female ( )
Degree of activity
1 to 5
You can enter the relevant settings with short or long pressure on the up button
or down but-
. Confirm the settings in each case by pressing “SET”.
The values stored in this way are then shown again consecutively, after which the scale switches
off automatically.
Degree of activity:
Selection of the degree of activity must refer to the medium and long term.
Degree of activity 1:
No physical activity.
Degree of activity 2:
Low physical activity.
A small amount of light physical effort (e.g. short walks, light garden work, gymnastic exercises).
Degree of activity 3:
Medium physical activity.
Physical effort for 30 minutes at least 2 to 4 times a week.
Degree of activity 4:
High physical activity.
Physical effort for 30 minutes at least 4 to 6 times a week.
Degree of activity 5:
Very high physical activity.
Intensive physical effort, intensive training or hard physical work for at least one hour daily.