Product overview
Version: 2.0
Product overview
Terminal Modules – System Overview
Fig. 8: Terminal Modules – System Overview
Better sensor and actuator functionality makes machines and systems more and more powerful. The Bus
Terminal reliably meets increased requirements for I/O signals through its modularity and compact design.
The existing Beckhoff Bus Terminal system is complemented by the new version of the EMxxxx / KMxxxx
Terminal Modules with increased packing density. In many areas of application, cost benefits can be realized
through lower overall installed size and application-specific signal mix.
The new Terminal Modules are fully system-compatible. Like the Bus Terminals, they are bus-neutral and
can therefore be operated with any Beckhoff Bus Coupler and Bus Terminal Controller. Like the standard
Bus Terminals, the EM / KM modules are integrated in the I/O system and connected with the internal
terminal bus (K-bus). Bus Terminals and terminal modules can be combined without restriction.
Like for the Bus Terminals, no tools are required for the wiring. Spring-loaded technology is used, however
the connection layer is pluggable (fixed wiring).
Fig. 9: Terminal modules - pluggable connection
Connection technology
Plug connectors are available for single and triple conductor connection methods.